Autoscopy Project


For this project I wanted to create something simple but something that had a strong effect and message. The message I wanted to convey is that especially for women, mens eyes are always on you. Whether it's them judging you, checking you out, cat calling you, or just straight up stating. The phrase "all eyes on you" that I placed on both sides of the picture were meant to convey that meaning as well as the many eyes cut out in the background, piercing at the audience. The red lines over my shoulders that are a little bit opaque are meant to cover the part that men typically just pay attention to. Just like in schools how girls are told to cover their shoulders because they are "too distracting". My eyes in the photo are staring right at the audience, sending the message that I see you and my eyes are the thing that should be paid attention to. I also blurred my face in the second one, which if I were to change anything I would reverse it and make my shoulders clear and my face blurred. I loved my message for this project and I really liked how it came out!


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